G-narf (I say that when something bad happens...)

(Paces) What will I do, what will I do?! My membership expires July 19.... That only leaves two days to check out the music jam! I just have some questions that.... if for some reason you know the answer to... you could answer (PLEASE).... but anyway.... here are the questions. (Please answer by July 18!!!) I have left extra info under the questions. P.s. I have the possible answer (that I think is true) under the question's extra information. If it is true, just say so!

1. Can I renew my membership if I still have a membership?
(I have awesome furniture that goes away when your membership expires)
I don't think it's true.... (cp faq)

2. What membership is the best deal?
(I usually get a half year but maybe... just maybe... if I get the answer of three month before July 15....)
Possibly yearly... (cp membership renewal page)

3. Is it true that with a monthly membership and credit card that the membership automatically renews?
(If so, then yay! MEMBER FOREVER!)
I think so.... (cp faq)


Rassbert said...

I think I can help. About your furniture...
It just goes into storage, but you can't get to it as a non-member. Your igloo upgrade always disappears. Your puffles stay, though. I don't know about your clothes.
About the membership expiration....
I have a membership where I just pay monthly. It just pays automatically on my mom's credit card on the 27th of every month. I am pretty sure it's the same with the 6 month membership. It probably just pays the 6 month fee on the 19th(did you mean July???). I hope this helps! You can also e-mail cp with questions, that's how I get MY answers. They always respond later in the day or the next day. If you forgot their e-mail:

I hope this helps, Extra Peng!

Jhuyu26 said...

Wow, thanks! I know for a fact that your clothes are in your inventory, you just can't wear them. Yes, I meant july... I had june in my mind... but anyway, thanks! P.s. the only membership that auto-renews is monthly. I guess it gets people to pay more..? And I have enough money to switch from gym to ice palace twice. It's hard but i save up. P.s.s so do you think I would get my answers about the penguin banned that fast? my old penguin was about.... lets see.... betas came in october 05 so... eight months after that (june 06) i joined. banned the day before christmas. .. and that's it.

Brooke 876 said...

cool that people are answering your questoins! but how did you make music play on your website?

Brooke 876 said...

and anyway also when your membership expires and you cant buy anything you will be getting millions of coins and when your a member again, you can get lots more stuff. i tried this my membership expired and then i got like million coins and when i got a new memebership i got all this awsome stuff!

Rassbert said...

Hey....when is your birthday?


Peggie Quin said...

Yeah, as Rassbert said: all your member stuff goes away, but it stays with you until you renew your membership.

I use 6-month, but it doesn't automatically renew itself (it ran out sometime last week.)

I think monthly is the best deal, you can stop it whenever you want and it automatically renews itself.

Hope this helped!
-Peggie Quin

Jhuyu26 said...

It's a widget from Witgetbox.com.
Search it on Google or something... That's how I got it...

Jhuyu26 said...

By the way... Rassbert.. the answer would be Feb 9. (Not saying the year...)

Jhuyu26 said...

Wait why?