New sidebar!

Here's something you can do if you need like 100 extra views. (I dunno why, I just love the sound of "extra" now!) Just comment the HTML code for your banner, your site, and anything else you wanna put in. Simple as that! Have any friends who need to get some more views? Tell them to click the "Your blog here!" Ads in the sidebar. THANKS!
PLUS: Your banner must be preset to 200 pixels wide, 90 pixels high. If not then I'll just have to change it, won't I?
If you would like your banner changed, consult me. The ones already on I resized to 200x90, but don't look the best. If your banner leads to a different website than yours, I will gladly change it.


Lard Beak said...

Hi! Lard Beak here!
The size of the "Your AD Here" sign is 170 by 79, and you got all the party clues right! Seeya at the party! I am going to add your ad now. Waddle On! ~Lard Beak~

Lard Beak said...

Hi! It's Lard Beak again, I've added your banner to my site like you asked, my banner is on the adverts page! Waddle On! ~Lard Beak~

... said...

I'm having a 4th Year Anniversary Eve Quickee Party today and I'm inviting you to come!

SERVER: Ice Breaker
ROOM: Coffee Shop!
TIME: 5:30 pm PST (Penguin Standard Time)
DAY: Today! (Friday)
WHAT TO WEAR: Party hats (if you have any) and something colorful and funky!

Jannessa said...

Heyo EPNN!

If you'd like you can add me on your blog roll. I'm Hongyuegirl. My web:

Check it out! And add me on an ad if you can :)