How long can you go?

Hello, everyone. Today, my question is, ''How long can you go?'' I'll post some activities to do down below. How long can you go? Well, first pick a category, then do as it says. Some involve clothes, some involve reading. Others involve other things. It's sort of like a 101 Days of Fun, Just not with 101 activities. More or less, I do not know, but it'll see how bored or fun one can be.

Books :     Read a different book from the book room every day! Some exceptions are the Penguin Tales and Rockhopper's Journal. For Penguin Tales, read a different story every day, not the whole book. For Rockhopper's Journal, one chapter a day should be enough. Total days: 25

Clothes:    Every week, pick a category, like hoodies, necklaces, beanies, propeller hats, sneakers, whatever. You can even just do something basic like pins, or backgrounds. Every day of that week pick a different item in that category  to wear! Total days: ?????? I would go with at least 9 categories. (Nine wearable items, like the ''body, head, neck, shoes, hand, pin, background, face, color categories)
Games: Play a different game every day, INCLUDING the secret one in mission 3. Get as far as you can! Total days: 17 (Find four, mancala, sled racing, card-jitsu, dance contest, astro barrier, hydro hopper, bean counters, cart surfer, catchin waves, ice fishing, jet pack adventure, pizzatron 3000, puffle roundup, thin ice, aqua graber, dj3k)

Missions: Do a mission everyday. short, sweet, to-the-point, and you have to get the secret for every level. (Like a letter, card, plaque, trophy, there's one for every level. To start you off, get the pictures from the ice rink in mission 1 and give them to aunt arctic.) Total days: 10

Places: Just plain go to every place every day for a week, but you have to get to each by walking. For the mine, go to the beacon and fly there with a jet pack! For the ice berg, well I guess just count that one out. For the dojo, I guess count that one out too. Total days: 7

If you can, do all of them! Total days: 63 (It may be a lot, but come on! Do you have anything better to do?!

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