And... I FAIL at living... a timeline of me failing epically... some wins apply results may vary.

A story of my forgetfulness.

Jun. (i wish i knew,) 2004 My other penguin is born, days away from being a beta. There are no puffles yet, no ice rink, no stage, yes ninjas.
November 2, 2007 Extra Peng is born, because I wish to see life as a non member again.
Nov. 9, 2007 I get up at 4:30 AM for the fall fair, which I actually remember.
December 24, 2007 My other penguin, banned, for good, no reason, days before my KICK BUTT igloo would have won the christmas igloo contest. Best christmas gift ever!
January 6, 2009 Extra Peng is a member
Jun. 13, 2009 I remember saraapril's party.... not a mandatory meeting.
Jun. 14, 2009 I forget saraapril's party
Jun. 16, 2009 I remeber saraapril's party.... server fullness fail three hours before the party.
I am the biggest phail ever. Carry on!


Rassbert said...

I'll give you Club Penguin's email address if you want to contact them about the whole penguin being banned thing a ma hoo.

Jhuyu26 said...

You really know Club Penguin's E-mail? That would be awesome! My old penguin was so much fun...

Maybe I DONT fail at living... But I can tell you I am not from Earth.