Hi! Rockhopper: Update

Rockhopper is boxing up all of the plants...... could this mean we get a plant party later in the year? Or maybe more plants for our furniture catalog.... but the party seems likely, because what else do you need a lot of plants and a jackhammer for?

Guess what!

Earlier today, my cousin came over for a visit. I showed him a bit of my house, my clupenguin account, my blog, so on so on.... and he asked "Can I be a part of your blog?", obviously knowing I needed a bit of help. I said yes, so don't be scared there is a hacker afoot when you see a new name typing stuff for me.

(Summary): There is a new administrator on my blog. Yay!

Rockhopper's here! And new pin!

But... I am a bit disappointed...
1. His free item is a BACKGROUND, not a CLOTHING ITEM
2. The not-so-free items (all furniture) A. A plant the size of a pea with a bowl bigger than your puffles.     B. A plant a bit bigger with a bowl the size of an elephant.     C. An upside-down hat. 
3. There is no secret item.
4. The plants reach the ship hold and the crow's nest, but not the captain's quarters.
5. So many plants, so little party.

.:In other news:.
The new pin is out yesterday!
(pizza parlor, ice cream sudae.)

Naming the parties.

Clubpenguin bday
Music jam
Fall fair
April fools....

I have decided.... sort of. And rockhopper!

I will go for the treehouse (already have enough)  and later on in life switch back! (but I will need a notepad to keep everything in shape, like how many flowerbeds I used...)

In other news: Rockhopper is coming soon. I know for a fact that he will be here this friday! (rockhopper ALWAYS comes on a friday, and he's reallllyyyyy close.)
But I wish he always came on a monday, because his ship is a LIVING JUNGLE for pete's sake!
-I sense ANOTHER party! even though we already have so many....

AAAAACK! Can't decide!

I love my nice garden......... sitting with my puffle jhuyu (long story)
But these penguins look like they're having fun......


wow... when's the last time I posted a post... I'm not even sure what I've been doing to keep me so busy... I've been doing SOMETHING on the computer... just not sure what... wow.
In other news, the new newspaper is out today! And....... uh..... wow I'm tired.....
I'll get back to you later when I'm nice and refreshed.

Hep you decide

Blue, yellow, brown. Here you go!

Viking play and You Decide: WIGS!

So... the new newspaper came out. Yes, every thursday at 6:00AM I wake up, to see the news. But anyway, I checked the events(i love to do this)and found.... the new play! THE PHANTOM OF THE VIKING OPERA! It must have a ghost costume, and the pink, blue, red(and maybe even gold!)viking helmets. DEFINATELY the PINK one.... or maybe even something NEW!
And.... you decide:wigs! The hairstyle looked supercute!! I want all three colors! Blue, great for the summer(it comes out the day I get out of school!) brown, i love brown.(my haircolor!)and blonde looks awesome on penguins, but tacky with yellow.(no, i am not a snobby fashionista) 


I got PAID!


Can't wait for the midevil party but there's nothing to do in the meantime!! Waiting for the pin...
degrading. Waiting for the news...... upsetting. Waiting for the party..... annoying. Finding good clothes to wear... fun and simple. So that and being a nacho are my pastime. NACHOS RULE!
(p.s. don't wait for it to load, this post has no pictures.)


It's May Day! And I celebrate with......
New penguin style!
1.crystal Staff: Above the king's head, there is a window with 2 darkly colored bricks next to it. Click the one on the right. Pg.1
2.woodsman's hat: click the window to the far right.Pg.1
3. Blue dragon: the shadow of a dragon , click it Pg. 3